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Java Installation

From smsPULSE V8, users that require MMS must install Java (JRE 32 Bit). The download of the installer is available from the smsPULSE Downloads page.


  1. We are aware that other versions of Java do not work properly with the MMS Service and therefore require that you install the version we provide.
  2. The server you are installing smsPULSE may have an installation of QuickTime that interferes with the operation of smsPULSE. You need to remove references to the QTjava in the system variables: "path" and "CLASSPATH"

Install Java
Follow the steps below:
1. Download the Java JRE 32bit installer - this is required for both 32bit and 64bit smsPULSE installations
2. Install the software on your server
3. Configure an environment variable JAVA_HOME_32 to point to the new installation folder

Obtain the software

Install the software... (yes, we know you have seen it before, many times)

Once installed, please configure the environment variable, as follows:

Checking your installation
Once the above Java installation is complete as well as the smsPULSE server installation, you can test your installation as follows:
  1. Make sure smsLINES is not running by typing the following command at the server console: tell smslines q
  2. Open a Command Prompt
  3. Change to the smsLINES bin directory: cd <install-directory>\smslines\bin
  4. Type: "run" and hit return
  5. You should see this...
  6. You need to terminate the program by hitting <Ctrl>C and answer Y

The smsLINES MMS Service will now be able to run.