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smsPULSE for Domino
Quick Guide
This document provides a summary of all administrative tasks at high level.
Basic installation
- Download the software from the website
- Run the installation program, often called setup.exe, on your server (please ensure you have the correct installer for your platform)
- If you intend to enable smsPULSE for MMS and wish to use automated image processing, please download one of the image processing installers, for the same processor type as above. From V8 you will also need to install the Java JRE 32 bit and install it before running the software
- If you run the smsPULSE Windows Server the installer will take some time as it installs a complete Database and Web Server on your PC. If you install the smsPULSE Domino Server you need to have a fully configured Domino Server before you start (it must also be V8.5.2 with the latest patches)
- For all configurations, you may now access the Admin Interface of the system using your browser, pointing at the server and then /smspulse/smswebui.nsf
- Install your "registration file". If you use the Domino installer, place the file in the data directory, otherwise use the Web Admin interface to upload a "Key File" on the Configurations Tab. The file name is "smspulse.reg" and you can find it embedded in your account record on To obtain it please login to your dashboard, then click "Edit Account". The file is attached at the bottom
- Run the smsPULSE proxy configuration utility, smsproxy.exe (Use the Web Admin interface to access this function from the dashboard. If you use the Domino installer, the program is installed in the Domino program directory)
- Open port 443 (HTTPS) on your Firewall for outbound traffic
- Create your TAPI devices now - smsLINES saves you time by finding these and creating Communication Lines documents for you (type GSM). If you wish to create MMS Communication Lines you will need to create these documents later, or convert an existing line from GSM to MMS

You are now ready to run smsPULSE for the first time. You will be running in "Evaluation Mode". In the Domino console start the smsPULSE software:
Type "lo smspulse" at the Domino server console
- In versions prior to 4.0.5 you also had to type "lo smsrouter" and "lo smslines"
- Next time you restart your Domino server the above tasks will start automatically.
Please note that your evaluation automatically uses our International Account type. If you are evaluating smsPULSE in the USA you will need to tell smsPULSE about this. To evaluate using a Qtel account please contact For more information about different accounts please see here 
Installed Files
- In the Domino server program directory: nsmspulse.exe, smsproxy.exe, nsmsrouter.exe, nsmslines.exe, lcppn70a.dll, nsmslines.dll, a new directory "smslines" is installed with additional files
- In the Domino server data directory: smsadmin.ntf, sms.ntf, smspulse.ntf, smsin.ntf, smsack.ntf, smsjour.ntf, smsrq.ntf, esms6.ntf
- In the "data\smspulse" directory smshelp.nsf (this database)
- Additional information files are also installed in the above directory
Enhancing your installation
Now that you have run the tasks above, all the system's databases have been created for you. Before you send your first SMS message, follow the next steps:
- Open the sms.ADMIN database (in the "smspulse" directory)
- In the outline, click on "Basic Setup\Country Codes", then click on "Default" and "Submit"
- Open the sms.OUT database (in the "smspulse" directory)
- Click on "My Profile" action bar button, fill in the short form and click "Submit"
. Please note that you should NOT click on "Rush my SMS via email" as your system has yet to be set up for this
- Click on "New SMS", type your mobile number and some text and click "Submit"
. With some luck, seconds later your mobile phone will receive your first message. Well done!
Taking your installation further
Now that you have sent your first message, it's time to explore additional features of smsPULSE. The general steps are:
- Configure a mail-in database in your Domino Directory pointing at "" (in the "smspulse" directory). You may skip this step if you intend to use Foreign Domain services only, which is what we would recommend
- Configure the smsPULSE Foreign Domain
- Open sms.ADMIN to edit the system profile
. In the outline click on "Basic Setup\System Profile". To complete the form, you will need the name of the Foreign Domain you have elected to use above.
Now that you have enabled messaging for use in smsPULSE you can:
- Send an email to smsPULSE
- Try the special email forms provided in the "esms6.nsf" database. Once you copy the SMS-out and the SMS-in forms, you will need to edit the forms as described when you open the database
Please note that your evaluation automatically uses our International Account type. If you are evaluating smsPULSE in the USA you will need to tell smsPULSE about this. To evaluate using a Qtel account please contact For more information about different accounts please see here 
Receiving SMS messages
If you have a GSM device configured, or have purchased one from us, you should now be ready to receive messages. Try the following:
- Load smsROUTER if you have not started it earlier. At the Domino console type "lo smsrouter"
- If you are running smsPULSE V4 and above ensure that smsLINES is running. If not just type "lo smslines"
- Send a message from sms.OUT, indicating you wish the message to be sent using GSM
- Reply to the above message. The message will arrive at sms.IN and be processed by the router. The message will be forwarded to you by email.
- If you wish to explore the workflow functionality of smsROUTER, you may like to try some "Routing Rules"
Enabling smsPULSE with a full license
With smsPULSE, once you have bought your license, there is little to do to switch from "Evaluation Mode" to "Licensed Mode". The following easy steps are required:
- We email you a licence file. The file is emailed with a "License Key".
- Place the license file in the Domino data directory.
- Open the System Profile
- Paste the license key you received with the file into the appropriate field in the form.
- Submit the system profile
- Restart smsPULSE on the server when prompted or type "load smspulse" at the Domino Console.
- If you are using smsPULSE MM for either SMS or MMS, and employed a GSM devise, you will also need a Cell Keys
For more information on product enablement see here