smsPULSE General Information
Check out the smsPULSE product comparison chart here.
Multiple Protocols
smsPULSE is available with two communication protocols.
- Gateway (SMS credits are bought from us)
- Gateway (SMS credits are bought from telco - Qtel only)
- GSM/CDMA (SMS credits are bought from your SIM vendor)
- MMS - for sending and recieving multi-media files
- OMS - Outlook Mobile Services
- SMPP - two-way communication over IP, using our gateway or your own
All protocols are available in all installations. Depending on your license, HTTPS only protocol is available in smsPULSE Standard edition while other protocols are available in the smsPULSE MM editions. You may start with the Standard edition and upgrade to MM at any time.
This unique feature allows smsPULSE to provide SMS and MMS services where other solutions fail. Consider the situation where your server is not connected to the "outside world" - only smsPULSE can switch automatically to Island Mode. MMS messages are delivered directly to your internal databases allowing you to develop innovative applications.
When using smsPULSE MM you can manage your own SMS costs and buy your credits from a local SIM provider.
Inbound text services are available often using attached GSM devices, SMPP connections and in some locations using our gateway (including UK, USA plus others).
Browser Interface
smsPULSE offers different methods of integration into your Windows environment; the common interface is a Web Browser. Complete Administration is provided using a Browser, regardless of platform. smsPULSE for Domino also offers a client interface and management via the admin client.
- smsPULSE, smsROUTER and smsLINES add-ins
- A collection of databases used to control and handle messages
- Many console commands
- All activities are recorded
- API using various common methods
- In a Domino environment optionally use specialist mail forms
- Integration with directories
You may integrate non-Domino systems, too. See product acrchitecture for smsPULSE for Windows version and smsPULSE for Domino version. |
Ease of use - everyone knows how to use a browser (well, almost); reduce management costs and complexities; your administrators will be able to fully manage the working of smsPULSE right from their browser, locally or remotely, even from their SmartPhone.
Your users won't need to learn a new system. They won't even need to learn how to use a new form on their mail file. Simply explain the syntax and you are done (syntax: Phone-Number@Your-Domain).
The cost of integrating smsPULSE into server applications is greatly reduced by writing simple documents into an smsPULSE database, or emailing it to another. See the API here and the new HTTP API here.
smsPULSE MM provides two-way messaging using attached GSM/CDMA devices, HTTPS posts and SMPP.
- Send SMS using HTTPS or GSM
- Receive SMS/MMS using GSM
- Send and receive MMS using the MM1 protocol
- Route your inbound messages using smsROUTER
- Build sophisticated Routing-Rules to deliver your messages to individuals or systems
- Handle complete work-flow over SMS.
You may start with one-way SMS and upgrade later. Learn more about in-bound processing.
Easily enable users, customers and suppliers to respond to your messages. Allow them to send you images and clips, too.
Using your own GSM devices is a simple and low cost solution which is likely to reduce your communication costs significantly.
Automating responses using routing rules can put you ahead of your competitors, and you can do so at a very low cost.
Update systems automatically to ensure quality of service.
More Features...
To truly appreciate the product simply register and download it from this site and try it now. Features include:
- Capable of very high volume: 150 messages per second (bulk message mode) when using the HTTPS protocol; much higher speeds using SMPP
- Rule-based router for workflow automation in response to inbound SMS (makes use of the Notes macro language, see sms.ADMIN)
- Worldwide coverage: hundreds of networks supported giving you worldwide reach
- Use with any language through usage of UNICODE
- Complete tracking of messages including delivery to the handset, giving you complete control
- Secure message delivery over SSL3: prevents anyone discovering your message content
- Handles messages up to 640 characters or 4 messages long (in ASCII): most requirements do not exceed two linked messages
- Automatic message split: applications simply send the message, smsPULSE splits them
- End-user application for managing contacts, groups, templates and messages: ready to deploy, very easy to use end-user application
- Mail-in database (sms.BOX) for email enabled applications: gives you the freedom to choose how messages are generated and handled
- Alerts on low credits (email and SMS): notifies you on a number of occasions when credit is low (HTTPS protocol only)
- API to enable application integration: for example, write a document to sms.BOX with a) Subject field with mobile numbers, and b) Body field with the text
- InstallShield based installation program: easy to install - up and running in minutes
- Complete Internet-based delivery: all product delivery, updates, SMS credit purchases and support are handled from the web site.
Read the Full product manuals on-line