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Directory Lookups

smsROUTER performs look-ups on a number of directories in an attempt to identify who is the sender of an SMS message. You can control where these look-ups are performed using "Directory Lookups" documents.

If you have setup no look-ups, smsROUTER looks in its own directory only, sms.OUT.

To setup a directory, open the sms.ADMIN database and click on Directory Lookups:
Web UI and Notes UI:

Then click on:

Fill in the form as shown in the example below:
Web UI:
Notes UI:

More look-ups from version 6.0.3
As a general rule, smsROUTER looks for numbers based on the international number format, which includes the country code. If your database contains numbers without the country code, help is at hand: simply give your default country code to the system profile and smsPULSE will assume that numbers may miss that country code. So, if an inbound message comes from a number in Italy, say 397712345678, but your database has the number like so: 07712345678, a match will happen if you set your country code to be Italy (39).


  1. If your database is identified as a Standard Domino directory, smsROUTER will create the "SMSLOOK" view automatically for you, otherwise you will have to create it yourself, as described on the form.
  2. You will need to restart smsROUTER when you complete your set-up.