From Overrides

smsPULSE offers the ability to override the "From" value of SMS without the need to use the smsPULSE API. The feature is based on matching the sender email address to that listed as a "From Override", and then using the related "From" value. This feature applies to emails that arrived at the smsPULSE server email box.

This feature is of particular use for organisations who transmit messages to smsPULSE without the ability or resource to add the field "smsMobileFrom", as listed in the API. See here Database 'sms.HELP', View 'Help Documents', Document 'Programming (API)'. From version 7.0.1 the feature allows for the settings of wild cards where business units could be set to have a "From" name that reflects the overall role.

Precedence of "from" overrides

  1. "smsMobileFrom" field a SMS document (includes API)
  2. "From Overrides" entries in sms.ADMIN
  3. "Name to use in emails"
Please note that if you specified a Standard "From" name in the System profile this overrides all of the above.

To create "From override", open the sms.ADMIN database:
Using the smsPULSE Web UI:

Using the Notes interface:

Click on:

The following form will appear:
Web interface:

Notes interface:

When using an Internet address, use RFC821 format only. For example, if an authorised sender email address is "my name" <>, only list

Reminder: The smsPULSE system profile allows for the set-up as shown below: